Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Brown rice is a healthy choice

Food is joy and eating is part of our daily lives. To be healthy I do not recommend eating less, I recommend eating more of what is nutritious for us. 

Choosing to eat brown rice instead of white rice will be a very good choice towards eating healthy.

It is less processed, has more fiber, and brings more nutrition and energy. It is the whole grain of rice with the bran and germ.
Traditional Persian Rice with beans

Brown rice contains nutrients like magnesium, manganese and zinc. White rice has less amounts of these nutrients, but is fortified with iron and some B vitamins.
Brown rice contains vitamin E and has a lower glycemic index than white. Diabetics are often warned about the link between eating white rice and bringing on a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. The message is that if you are a diabetic or are at risk, stay away from white rice.

The glycemic index is a measure of the effects of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates that break down quickly during digestion and release sugar quickly into the bloodstream have a high GI, carbohydrates that break down more slowly, releasing sugar more gradually into the bloodstream, have a low glycemic index. A universal glycemic index value is 100. White bread has a GI value of 100 it can also be used as a reference food, if white bread = 100, then glucose or white sugar=140.

Also it was determined by some studies that there was significantly increased numbers of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) during the brown rice intake, whereas the total counts of harmful bacteria during the intake of brown rice were lower than those before and after the intake.

So eating brown rice is a healthier choice than eating the naked one (white rice):) But remember other healthy choices like sweet potatoes, which are rich in Vitamin A and C, plus fiber, minerals, and just half the calories and carbohydrates

Try mixing butternut squash or other nutrient loaded vegetables like kale or mushrooms in the rice. I love to add beans. Always keep an eye on your portions, too.

Do you use a rice cooker? Do you have a great recipe for brown rice to share?

Also don't forget to sign for Tarzana and Beverly Hills workshops, we are about to start! please call me @ 818-414-0232

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

“Is Coke It?” You might want to think again before opening a can of diet cola

What is in a Diet Cola?

There are many additives added to diet colas, not only to enhance the flavor but to have a longer shelf life.

The additives added to diet colas are: 

Potassium Benzoate:  It is used to prevent bacteria contamination.
In Europe it is recommended that children do not consume Potassium Benzoate.

In 2005, the FDA received reports that the carcinogen benzene was present in soft drinks containing benzoate salts and ascorbic acid. An FDA study found that the level of benzene in most drinks was below the U.S. standard for drinking water. The World Health Organization confirms that benzene causes cancer and that no safe level of exposure to benzene can be recommended.

In 2008, the Coca-Cola Company announced it would begin removing benzene from its products, with the exception of Fanta and Dr. Pepper. The best way to avoid the toxic effects of benzene is to avoid soda that contains benzene or sodium benzoate.

Phosphoric acid:  Research has shown it to destroy tooth enamel, and effect bone density.

Nutrition Preventative Medicene
According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), high level of phosphates from diet soda leeches calcium out of the bones. Daily consumption of diet soda makes you three to four times more likely to suffer from a stress fracture
Colas also contain ethylene glycol, which is used in anti-freeze.   Ethylene glycol is a slow poison, it won’t kill you if you have it in small quantities but it will kill you in large quantities. 
Caramel ColoringMay cause allergies.

Non nutritive sweeteners:

Aspartame: It is an artificial sweetener. The FDA recommends eating only 5- mg. per kilogram of body  weight per day.

The FDA has established a safe level of consumption for diet sodas containing aspartame, acesulfame K and sucralose. This level, known as the Acceptable Daily Intakes, is the maximum amount considered to be safe for daily consumption.

The ADIs for artificial sweeteners, based on the amount of sweetener typically found in a 12-ounce can of diet soda, are:
• 18-19 cans of diet soda containing aspartame
• 30-32 cans of diet lemon-lime soda containing acesulfame K
• 6 cans of diet soda containing sucralose
Read more about these interesting facts visit: Diet soda.

A few studies showed when aspartame was given to rats they developed leukemia and lymphoma.

Setareh Zohreh
Testimonials from people taking Splenda helped Dr. Mercola compiled a long list of the possible side effects of Splenda. These include skin flushing or redness, rashes, blisters on the skin, a shaky or panicky feeling, nausea, stomach cramps, forgetfulness, moodiness, unexplained crying, anxiety, acne, panic attacks and even seizures.
In light of its chlorine content and the fear of metabolic toxicity resulting in kidney disease and cancer, there is an outcry from certain advocate groups that further testing is necessary.
Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/475801-does-splenda-aggravate-the-kidneys/#ixzz1dkWYGrf6

The last major reason colas are bad for you is their acidity is very high. The PH for colas is around 3.4 strong enough to dissolve teeth and bones. Remember it is used to remove corrosion from cars’ batteries.

Eating healthy is not about being on a diet, it is a life style. It doesn’t mean eat less food, but eating nutritious food. 

Water is the best choice to keep our body hydrated.

I prefer to drink water with a twist of lemon or a slice of peach. It is the most refreshing beverage you can have. I also make my own fruit juice, mix it with sweet vegetables and serve over ice. It is delicious.

Will you try to drink less soft drinks? Do you think they can be addicted?  

From my last healthy living Monday night workshops.

Check back for more successful evening workshops:

If you have any questions or you would like attend our seminars please send me an email:Setarehzohreh@yahoo.com

Monday, November 14, 2011

Save the date! More Seminars coming up.


Food Preventive Medicine

Our Body Needs Healthy Eating, it's Not Optional!


Steps to Healthy Living


Setareh Vahdat, Nutritionist

Have you ever wondered how food can weaken or strengthen your health?
To find out how to regain your health, you should join this valuable five week workshop to discover the impact of nutrition as preventive medicine. You live healthier, with less pain and a more joyful life.

1.      An introduction to how and why food has the effects it has on your body and mind.       Understanding the seven levels of disease.
                  2.      Finding the origin of the matter and why you’re having the issues you have?
3.   Discovering how a sound mind in a sound body brings balance and harmony.
4.   Discussing which foods might have a direct effect on detoxifying and achieving health.
Additionally, foods for weight control, diabetes, blood pressure, pain, cancer, hair, skin, constipation, stress, feeling sleepy, insomnia, and libido…
5.    Getting familiar with the glycemic index of a food and reading nutrition facts label.
            6.  What is toxicity and detoxification?
7.     Learning how cravings have underlying reasons and it’s a sign of health issues.       
  Understanding the need to overcome craving of sweets, salty or sour foods, foods like pizza and french-fries, to set ourselves up for success.

Dates:           Tarzana location: Mondays, December 5th, 12th, 19th, 2011; January, 9th, 16th, 2012
                 Beverly Hills location: Wednesdays, December 7th, 14th, 28th, 2011; January 11th, 18th 2012
Time:      Tarzana:  6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
                Beverly Hills: 12:00-2:30 p.m.
Place:      Beverly Hills:   Ohel Moshe Congregation. 8644 West Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035
                Tarzana:  Beith David Educational Center. 18648 Clark St. Tarzana, CA  91365
Fee:                                   $100 each

Registration Will Close on Sunday November 27-2011
Tarzana at Beith David Educational Center 
Beverly Hills at Golden City on Pico Blvd.
www.setarehvahdat.blogspot.com                 Facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/nutritionpreventativemedicine/  
Email:     setarehzohreh@yahoo.com             twitter:   https://twitter.com/#!/food4you                 
REGISTRATION REQUIRED as seating is limited.  (Please R.S.V.P.)  For more information and to register for this informative and valuable event, please contact the info above.