Monday, November 14, 2011

Save the date! More Seminars coming up.


Food Preventive Medicine

Our Body Needs Healthy Eating, it's Not Optional!


Steps to Healthy Living


Setareh Vahdat, Nutritionist

Have you ever wondered how food can weaken or strengthen your health?
To find out how to regain your health, you should join this valuable five week workshop to discover the impact of nutrition as preventive medicine. You live healthier, with less pain and a more joyful life.

1.      An introduction to how and why food has the effects it has on your body and mind.       Understanding the seven levels of disease.
                  2.      Finding the origin of the matter and why you’re having the issues you have?
3.   Discovering how a sound mind in a sound body brings balance and harmony.
4.   Discussing which foods might have a direct effect on detoxifying and achieving health.
Additionally, foods for weight control, diabetes, blood pressure, pain, cancer, hair, skin, constipation, stress, feeling sleepy, insomnia, and libido…
5.    Getting familiar with the glycemic index of a food and reading nutrition facts label.
            6.  What is toxicity and detoxification?
7.     Learning how cravings have underlying reasons and it’s a sign of health issues.       
  Understanding the need to overcome craving of sweets, salty or sour foods, foods like pizza and french-fries, to set ourselves up for success.

Dates:           Tarzana location: Mondays, December 5th, 12th, 19th, 2011; January, 9th, 16th, 2012
                 Beverly Hills location: Wednesdays, December 7th, 14th, 28th, 2011; January 11th, 18th 2012
Time:      Tarzana:  6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
                Beverly Hills: 12:00-2:30 p.m.
Place:      Beverly Hills:   Ohel Moshe Congregation. 8644 West Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90035
                Tarzana:  Beith David Educational Center. 18648 Clark St. Tarzana, CA  91365
Fee:                                   $100 each

Registration Will Close on Sunday November 27-2011
Tarzana at Beith David Educational Center 
Beverly Hills at Golden City on Pico Blvd.                 Facebook group:  
Email:             twitter:!/food4you                 
REGISTRATION REQUIRED as seating is limited.  (Please R.S.V.P.)  For more information and to register for this informative and valuable event, please contact the info above.



1 comment:

  1. this is great Setareh. I'm sure your participants will gain a great deal of knowledge and insight into their eating habits and how they much can enhance their lives with the right foods.

    Have fun everyone.
