Friday, March 18, 2011

New Year Newruz Resolution, "don't be judgemental, love without condition"

This man saw a little girl with a dirty pink dress and a bad deformity on her back sitting alone in the park for several days as he was going through. He thought to himself I am going to find out what is wrong with this little girl.  He went back to the park and there she was in the same place where he had seen her before in the same sad tattered dress and as he approached her he said I am going to find out what is wrong.  He began to see there is a gross deformity on her back under her dress, he thought it is dangerous for a little girl to be sitting in the park alone and he was deeply concerned.  Sometimes it is hard to walk up to somebody who has got a physical ailment and say something to them without offending them.  So he braved himself went up to the little girl and said "Hello" as warmly as he could, she very shyly looked up at him and said "hi".  Then he talked with her and talked with her until the sun went down and the park was empty.  Finally he asked “why are you here, why are you so sad”, she said “well because I am different”, he said “well yes you are” noticing the deformity on her back and the filth and dirtiness on her clothes, he said “ but you are like a little angel”, she said “really”, he said “YES, you are like a little guardian angel that just watches over all the people who go by in the park and you are very special” he was trying to encourage the little girl, and with that she stood up and said “YES, yes I am” she opened the back of her pink dress and unwind her wings, she said “I am YOUR guardian angel,  finally you stopped long enough to care about somebody other than yourself, my job is done here” he said “but wait a minute, why did so many other people pass you by” she said “you are the only one who could see me” and she was gone… and with that the man’s life was changed. 
Now with this in mind God says be careful to entertain strangers so thereby many have entertained angels unknowingly. 


  1. What a lovely story. It goes to show you never know how your actions impact others. We are so involved with our own mind and our own agendas sometimes that we don't realized how lost we are. And to notice and help others is what it takes sometimes to find ourselves.

    Thanks and good luck with your blog.

    Dr. Manijeh Motaghy

  2. Thank you for your comment. It is so true that it takes to find ourselves by helping others in need. What we see on the outside is not what the reality of true soul is on the inside. Taking the extra step out of our daily routine being aware of our surroundings and taking that little extra step can be little to us but a life changing step for another.
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    Your site "Unite in Vision"
    is a lovely site and I invite everyone to check it out for more insight on self.

    Thank you for your comment

