Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Impact of Alcohol, Drug addiction and Balanced Nutrition

Setareh Vahdat's presentation in Tarzana CA. on The Impact of Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Balanced Nutrition Path to Recovery was a big success. People with substance abuse are more likely to relapse when they have poor eating habits, and th
is is why regular meals are so important was among the many topics that Setareh educated the audience on. 
She stated people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol and other addictions often forget what it's like to be hungry and instead think of this feeling as a drug craving. They should be encouraged to consider that they may be hungry when cravings become strong. 




                                                   Vitamin B Complex food source 


Certain supplementations may be beneficial during the path to recovery Setareh explained. To name a few, Vitamin B complex may be needed when under stress to rebuild the liver; Vitamin B12 may give the same energy boost as a cup of coffee. Some food sources are fish, eggs, clams, yogurt, sesame seeds, dried sage, rosemary and more.

(GABA) Gamma-amino-butyric-acid may act as a relaxant and may help lessens cravings. 

Setareh Vahdat is a national speaker and personal coach.  She speaks on topics related to nutrition, life style and a possible path to reverse health challenges where possible. Most important she brings hope that there might be a way to live in health with joy. 

For media interview, event speaker, and personal consultation contact Setareh Vahdat at:


Thursday, February 2, 2012


Super Bowl is a great event to get together with family and friends, and to take with you to pot lucks to watch the game, and enjoy some delicious appetizers, drinks, and meals with everyone. 
The traditional hot dog can be replaced with Black Bean Hummus with Baked Corn Tortillas, Stuffed Grape Leaves with Brown Rice and Vegetable, Virgin Strawberry Margarita, Kale and Couscous Casserole, Mega Veggie Burger with TLCucumber, Apricot and RaisiBrown Rice, Stuffed Red Peppers with Quinoa and Mushrooms, and my favorite KALE SUPER SALAD! 
A 30 seconds commercial spot on the Super Bowl is worth 3.5 Million Dollars, Let's see what they are trying to sell us this year :) Watch and share which Commercial will be your favorite!  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/02/super-bowl-food-commercials_n_1250046.html

What would you prepare for the event?

Seminar: Our Body Needs Healthy Eating. It Is Not Optional!

                                    Food Preventive Medicine
Our Body Needs Healthy Eating. 
It Is Not Optional!


Have you ever wondered how food can reverse and regain your health?


Watch this incredible documentary "forks over knives" and to find out how eating with a fork can save us from going under a knife of surgery.  Register and join this fantastic nutrition seminar to learn
how to keep your greatest wealth your health, to learn what the missing link is in preventing us from a full healthy life and the key to healthy living,  Join this valuable five week seminar to discover the impact of nutrition as preventive medicine. You live healthier, with less pain and a more joyful life. 

1.      An introduction to how and why food has the effects it has on your body and mind.       Understanding the seven levels of disease.
                 2.      Finding the origin of the matter and why you’re having the issues you have?
3.    Discovering how a sound mind in a sound body brings balance and harmony.
4.    Discussing which foods might have a direct effect on detoxifying and achieving health. Additionally, foods for weight control, diabetes, blood pressure, pain, cancer,   
dry skin, hair loss, constipation, stress, feeling sleepy, insomnia,  libido, and…
5.      Getting familiar with the glycemic index of a food and reading nutrition facts label.
            6.    What is toxicity and detoxification?
7.       Learning how cravings have underlying reasons and it’s a sign of health issues.         Illustrating the need to overcome craving sweets, salty or sour foods, a food like pizza and french-fries to set ourselves up for success.

Setareh Vahdat, Nutritionist
 Date:     Tarzana:             Tuesdays, March 27th, April 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th 2012                                   

Time:      Tarzana:             6:30-9:00 p.m.                                           

Place:    Tarzana:            Beith David Educational Center: 18648 Clark St.  Tarzana, CA 91365 

               Beverly Hills:  To Be Announced  

Fee:        $100                  

Blog:  www.setarehvahdat.blogspot.com             facebook: Nutrition Preventive Medicine
nutritionpreventivemedicine@gmail.com      twitter:  food4you
­ Deadline:  Tuesday March 20-2012


                                  Beverly Hills: GOLDEN CITY 8765 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA. 


For media interviews and to schedule Setareh Vahdat as a speaker contact:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

                              HAPPY NEW YEAR

As the year 2011 comes to a close, take a look back on it with gratefulness and remember how God blessed you this year.
 In what ways do you want to grow and experience His abundance in 2012?                                             For 2012, I welcome these next 12 months with love and joy, my New Year’s resolution is knowing that what we give comes back to us multiplied.
Let's Tune out the mind conversations that keep us locked into old mind-set ways and begin to enjoy each day of 2012's bright days. Happy New Year to all. 

What is your 2012 New Year's Resoulution?